Antey-Saint-André is a comune in the Aosta Valley region of northwestern Italy. Frazioni are: Avout, Les Ayeux, Banderet, Le Bourg, Buisson, C…Antey-Saint-André is a comune in the Aosta Valley region of northwestern Italy. Frazioni are: Avout, Les Ayeux, Banderet, Le Bourg, Buisson, Cérian, Chaillien, Champagne, Les Chênes, Les Chesods-dessous, Les Chesods-dessus, Chessin, Covalou, Épaillon, Fiernaz, Filey, Les Grands-Moulins, Hérin, Liès, Lillaz, Lillaz-de-Chessin, Lod, Mériou, Navillod, Noussan, Nuarsaz, Parafromiat, Petit-Antey, Rivaz-Vieille-dessous, Rivaz-Vieille-dessus, Ruvère, Sounère, Villettaz.