and eyes." Nonmammals can still be albino but may not appear fully white. More albino news: Rare white moose spotted crossing the road in Alberta, Canada: Watch video Aside from the genetic ...
When it comes to deer, however, prey animals by nature, albino genes put them at a disadvantage. Gleaming white fur surely doesn’t help deer avoid the merciless eye of predators in the forest.
Albino animals can be distinguished from leucistic because the former has red eyes, whereas the latter does not. Until someone can glimpse Casper's eyes — a nearly impossible feat — his exact ...
Amazingly, Snowflake had 21 children, and none of them were albino. Snowflake’s albinism gave him white hair, pink skin, and blue eyes, similar to a human with albinism. Scientists studied ...
Albino deer lack pigmentation and have a completely white hide and pink eyes, nose and hooves. According to North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, only one in 30,000 deer suffer from albinism.