If you fail to include important income documentation forms with your tax return, the likelihood of an audit from the IRS ...
It's never fun to get this type of letter from the IRS, but there are steps you can take to resolve the situation.
While the King County Auditor's Office found no evidence of fraud, it concluded an antiquated, all-paper record-keeping system made the program vulnerable.
The long-awaited forensic audit of the Wagner Park bridge project found no financial wrongdoing, but questions remain.
The Arizona Court of Appeals rejected claims by The Republic and ruled the Senate shouldn't have to pay for Cyber Ninjas' "obstructionist" tactics.
State Auditor Diana DiZoglio is pushing back on assertions by the Speaker of the House that her pursuit of an audit of the ...
Editor's Note: The audit documents were obtained by a records request. The Innovation Foundation is a separate legal entity that manages research initiatives, technology commercialization ...
Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman has returned a third-straight positive election audit to Trigg County Circuit Court ...
The Institute of Internal Auditors has released a draft version of proposed requirements on third-party governance, risk ...
Top Beacon Hill lawmakers accused Auditor Diana DiZoglio of pursuing a “personal” audit of the Legislature in the face of ...