The 10-month-old male spider monkey named Sully weaved his arm through the mesh-style fencing in his habitat and wasn't able ...
What the cops didn’t expect to see in the car was a baby spider monkey. It was wearing a onesie and a diaper. The story made headlines, for obvious reasons. The internet was flooded with people ...
Baby Spider Monkey with 'Unique' Batman Marking on Its Face Born at Florida Zoo WFFT responded to the call and took Plango to its wildlife hospital, where he was given a medical check-up and ...
A 10-month-old spider monkey at a Florida zoo had to have its arm amputated after it was involved in a freak accident.
The Salisbury Zoo has announced the arrival of two new black-handed spider monkeys, a mother-daughter duo named Sadie and Ripley. The pair recently traveled from Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo in ...
A mother Peruvian spider monkey and her baby in the Amazon Rainforest. Photo by Stephane Thomas But I’ve also gotten to know spider monkeys up close and personal. The people in this region of ...