Patients were classified into five stages of CKD according to the National Kidney Foundation classification system. A total of 338 patients (26%) were found to have CKD. Patients with CKD were ...
An Australian medical technology company, Proteomics International, has published a study demonstrating a new blood test ...
In our opinion, the KDOQI guidelines for the diagnosis and classification of CKD need improvement before eGFR is routinely reported. We urge medical societies to endorse the more cautious and ...
Cystatin C is emphasized as a preferred biomarker for accurate GFR measurement in CKD assessment. SGLT2i are recommended for CKD patients, regardless of diabetes status, for kidney and ...
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) indicates prolonged kidney damage over three months, often undetectable until significant harm occurs. Key risk factors include diabetes, high blood pressure ...
Risk stratification by two-dimensional information on eGFR and proteinuria can improve the prediction of progression to ESRD; revision of CKD classification by including albuminuria, particular in ...