Indulging in sweet treats like cake, chocolate and cookies could lower ... They speculated that liquid sugar from beverages may lead to weight gain and obesity, known risk factors for ...
You really can have your cake and eat it, too, if you embrace the goal of maintaining your weight -- instead of struggling ... In fact, most adults gain about one pound during the holidays.
Michelle Allen, 47, weighed over 26stone at her heaviest and was a size 32 Says she was addicted to cake - and would spend £8 per day on treats Claims to have spent £87,360 over 30 years before ...
Donuts, cake, cookies, and muffins—damn if they aren’t delicious, but boy are they sugar bombs with little else to offer. Sugary, fatty treats can lead to weight gain and make weight loss more ...
This dietary chocolate cake offers a light option without worrying about weight gain. Discover the tried and tested recipe ...