All these big, expensive adventure bikes really are great for traveling, but they aren’t actually all that great off-road.
Every electric bike on this list is sub $2,000—from urban bikes to cruisers to fat bikes, and even some that reach 28 mph.
[Izhar] says his bike is so cheap thieves wouldn’t even bother taking it off your hands. You can check out the awesome video of [Izhar] making a cardboard bike after the break.
A Lastenrad is a cargo bike where the load sits in front of the rider rather than being towed behind. [Paul] wanted one for hauling things around town, and rather than buy one, he built one of his ...
As you pay more for a bike, in general the weight will drop ... It's worth knowing as going too cheap – or needlessly pricey – is a mistake every cyclist makes at least once in their life.
Jupiter is hosting a town hall about e-bike safety after a middle school student was killed in a crash March 13.
Budget gravel bikes are going to mean different things to different people, luckily your budget won't dictate the type of gravel bike you can get. Whether you're looking for a fast gravel ...
The Chain Reaction Bike Hub opened last May in Cedar Rapids with ambitious goals about breaking barriers to reliable ...