Elon Musk seems to be everywhere these days, just not in the place he’s most needed: At the helm of his flailing electric ...
In this age of caller ID, most people hesitate to take calls from unidentified numbers to avoid pesky telemarketers, insurance agents ... or worse, a former flame. But MCA’s Head of Public ...
But for me, the best part of being the fix-it guy is the satisfaction that comes from doing something others can’t do. I find this especially true with automotive repairs, which conventional ...
I was always impressed with the many titles of Haile Selassie, who was the Emperor of Ethiopia for 45 years starting in 1930. I mean, he ruled! After all, who could withstand the power of a guy ...
Like a lot of Hackaday readers, I pride myself on being “the fix-it guy” in my family. When something breaks, I get excited, because it’s a chance to show off my skills. It’s especially ...