“Moby-Dick. That’s great!” “Then I ran to a used bookstore and got the book,” he recalled, “and I thought: ‘Oh my God, what am I in for here?’ It’s so daunting. I didn’t panic, but I thought, ‘How do ...
“We had an E-350 white Ford Econoline van that we called the ‘fartbox,’ but also called ‘Moby-Dick’ after Leviathan came out,” he explained, adding, “The insides sort of smelled like the insides of ...
“Moby-Dick. That’s great!” “Then I ran to a used bookstore and got the book,” he recalled, “and I thought: ‘Oh my God, what am I in for here?’ It’s so daunting. I didn’t ...
Ahab, who has lost a leg in a prior encounter with Moby-Dick, has to hobble on a wooden prosthesis. And Greenhorn — finally named Ishmael — ends the opera grabbing onto a whale hook from a ...