Red-shouldered hawks are gorgeous medium-sized, solid birds, smaller than a red-tailed but bigger than a broad-winged hawk.
Massachusetts lawmakers want to restrict a type of rat poison that is particularly dangerous to birds, pets and wildlife.
Caprice — who is a Harris's hawk — guards the Burnaby eco-centre, where recycling and compost are periodically dropped off ...
Looking up, we were astonished to see Cooper’s hawks overhead, jumping from branch to branch and making all that noise, four ...
A Harris hawk has been accused of terrorising a Home Counties village after the animal was spotted divebombing tall, ...
They were specifically found mimicking the chorus cacophony of alarmed birds against hawks to create fear among predators. This adaptation seems to capitalise on the behaviour among several ...
Months have gone by since the first sighting of a "rogue" Harris Hawk in Flamstead and is still yet to be caught as attacks on ...
The Black Hawk Up Festival gives area residents a chance to look for hawks with the experts, meet Raptor Ambassadors, and ...
A pet owner in the United States (US) has been making their dog wear an anti-bird vest after she became the target of ...
Baltimoreans love to share stories of wildlife sightings. It can all seem natural and normal, especially in the greener areas ...
Larry Bird's iconic 60-point performance even had the opposing Hawks players celebrating which led to their head coach fining ...