The easiest way to get to the glacier is to start your journey from either Interlaken or Visp, travel to Fiesch and take ...
That’s how Veilleux found herself careening down a nearly two-and-a-half mile (four-kilometer) sledding run at the Grindelwald-First ski area in Switzerland’s Jungfrau region earlier this month.
A single ski pass is being offered for four major ski areas in the Bernese Oberland, Valais and Central Switzerland.
Ab der kommenden Saison können Skifahrerinnen und Skifahrer mit dem AlpsPass in vier grossen Skigebieten unterwegs sein.
Perhaps the most beloved activity is the Peak Walk by Tissot. This suspension bridge connects two mountain peaks and it's the only one of its kind in the world. It's also not for the faint of heart: ...
With daily lift tickets at some major US ski resorts costing $250 for an adult pass, even more at some areas, Switzerland’s Jungfrau Region offers a far more affordable alternative at $85.
Kurz vor den tollen Tagen ist die Jungfrau eines Dreigestirns tödlich verunglückt. Der Umzug soll trotzdem stattfinden. Pünktlich zum Beginn des Straßenkarnevals mit Weiberfastnacht am ...
Wengen is a charming village in Switzerland The views from the ski area are a highlight, with the iconic Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau mountains making a magnificent backdrop. For more far-reaching ...
Überraschender Zusammenschluss im Schweizer Skitourismus: Vier grosse Wintersportgebiete führen den AlpsPass ein. Die neue ...
Vier grosse Skigebiete im Berner Oberland, im Wallis und in der Zentralschweiz lancieren einen gemeinsamen Skipass. Gültig ...
Fuel up after a day’s skiing with affordably-priced burgers ... owning between them the Hotel Bellevue des Alps, Hotel Jungfrau and Ristorante Da Sina. (The Falken’s current owner, Sina ...