A sombre mood prevailed as a resolute group of elite US soldiers waited to board Flying Tiger Line Flight 739 on a secret ...
For decades, the Kennedy Center has come to symbolize freedom of expression, representation and creativity in the performing ...
So he decided to make a stand in a place few Americans at the time had ever heard of: Vietnam. Narrator: Kennedy believed he had to show strength. And asking Congress to fund an increasing buildup ...
One of the most devastating conflicts the United States has ever taken part in, this 20-year war was fought in the area ...
In South Vietnam, the Communist insurgency showed no signs of letting up. Some of Kennedy's "advisers" warned him that American involvement could mire America in a bloody, protracted war.
Robert F Kennedy Jr. has said his uncle was targeted due to his refusal to commit U.S. forces to Vietnam. “When my uncle was president, he was surrounded by a military-industrial complex and ...
Kennedy, as well as Martin Luther King, Jr., the civil rights movement, the Vietnam war, and Watergate. He is survived by his wife Lisa McCubbin Hill, sons, and grandchildren, the statement said.