When shall thee meet again?  In thunder, lightning, or in rain? …When the hurlyburly’s done. ALL:  …Fair is foul and foul is ...
A dagger of the mind. I’m seeing things.And now there’s blood on the blade and handle! It is time to do the deed. SCENE 8: LADY MACBETH’S CHAMBER NARRATOR: In her bedroom, Lady Macbeth ...
The attempt and not the deed confounds us. Lady Macbeth:Hark. Lady Macbeth:I laid their daggers ready, he could not miss them. Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done it.
The game, titled Lili, is a “screen life thriller video game” where you’ll have access to a modern-day Lady Macbeth’s personal devices, according to a press release. The Royal Shakespeare ...