Trump landslide mirage Regarding the letter from Pedro Navajas concerning “facts” on the recent election. Pedro states that ...
Democrats are being accused of massive fraud and being liars by a MAGA party that feeds on inaccuracies and half-truths. And flat out, fact checked lies!
Could Vero Beach Three Corners proposal pass at a referendum nowadays? Too many issues with it. Do MAGA folks really benefit ...
MAGA supporters are recirculating a document they claim proves that John F. Kennedy Jr. called former President Joe Biden a ...
Despite Republicans’ spin that because President Donald Trump was different, he and his MAGA movement are what America needed ...
If you ask anyone to name the leader of the Republican Party, half would dive for their red hat, drop to their knees and kiss his feet; the other half would say a narcissistic convicted felon, and a ...
Some of the many “mistakes” the Trump administration has made in its frenzied push to implement the MAGA agenda (aka Project 2025) are simple descriptors that they communicate to the public.
I hope the MAGA cultists keep wearing their red MAGA ... He’s a traitor and a con-man. Submit your letter to the editor Here's what must be included with your letter for it to be considered ...
God bless them, and all the waving supporters driving by. To be fair, 20 MAGA counterprotesters showed up, too. For them, I have a suggestion. The car-lot-sized flag is boring. And you need some ...