Ahoy, star seeds! The first Mercury retrograde of the year is upon us, and this one is going down — or slowing down, in the ...
In England, a clay head from a figurine depicting the Roman god Mercury was unearthed, and it has led researchers to discover a previously unknown Roman settlement. The clay head of Mercury ...
In astrology, Mercury’s archetype is that of Hermes, who, in mythology, is named the Greek messenger of God, which is the ...
Mercury, for the Romans or Hermes for the Greeks, was the messenger of the gods whose communicative route spanned from the ambrosia-suckling peaks of Mount Olympus to the maiden-snatching depths ...
Other major gods included Mars (god of war), Mercury (god of trade and messenger of the gods) and Bacchus (god of grapes and wine production). Romans also believed that many of their gods had ...
Rahu’s color is dark blue, while Jupiter’s color is yellow, and their combination forms the green shade associated with Mercury. Additionally, disrespecting God, dishonoring women in ...