"Eureka" has been California's state motto since 1963, but the word has appeared on the state seal since 1849 as a reference to the discovery of gold in California. Colorado's motto is "Nil Sine ...
The College seal illustrates the words of the College motto: Tanquam lignum quod plantatum est secus decursus aquarum. This Latin phrase translates to: "Like a tree planted by rivers of water (that ...
Every zodiac sign is summarized with a personal four-word motto that encapsulates their unique traits. The descriptions provide insight into the inherent qualities and behaviors of individuals ...
And, no, to rain on your parade right away, the three words were not "Lizard fights ape," although that would have served as a fine filmmaking motto for Adam Wingard's "Godzilla x Kong ...
The Acadian motto is: L'union fait la force--strength ... Underneath is a vessel in full sail, with the word Acadie on the flag. The words on the bottom read "L'union fait la force." ...
TOKYO - The International Olympic Committee has amended its "Faster, Higher, Stronger" motto to include the word 'Together', its President Thomas Bach said on Tuesday, highlighting the need for ...