These spoons were analyzed and were found to have opium residues on them ... "It seems that the awareness of the effects of various types of natural preparations on the human body entailed ...
Some consumers who illegally import opium poppy pods may use them to brew a “poppy tea,” consuming it for its narcotic, analgesic, antidiarrheal, or psychoactive effects, according to authorities.
In interviews with drug-war figures ranging from opium farmers to U.S. officials, Cowell unravels the complex political, economic, and diplomatic web that surrounds the heroin business.
PRESENTER:'Shocked by the social effects of the opium trade, 'and by its drain on their silver supply, 'the emperor and his advisors debated what to do. PROF. ZHENG YANGWEN:'The emperor spent time ...
The relatively unknown story of wartime Japan ’ s ties with the opium trade in China is now in the public domain, courtesy of a manga series that has already sold more than 1.8 million copies in ...
The agency says that increased prices for opium and heroin in Afghanistan could have an impact on purity and prices in Europe in the future. So far, however, no such effects have been seen ...
These drugs are made from natural substances found in the opium poppy plant. Here are the key side-effects of these ‘addictive’ drugs. Tapentadol and Carisoprodol: What are their side effects?