While working with the French wine industry in 1848, Dr. Louis Pasteur studied tartaric acid, a blackish purple substance that grows on the back of wine barrels. By studying this byproduct of wine ...
Since Pasteur's work, several types of microorganisms (including yeast and some bacteria) have been used to break down pyruvic acid to produce ethanol in beer brewing and wine making. The other by ...
Merlot is one of the most important Bordeaux varieties along with Cabernet Sauvignon. It's fleshier and ripens earlier than Cabernet, resulting in softer wines with plush tannins and fruit. Bordeaux ...
Depending on the species, they could turn butter rancid or grape juice into wine. The discovery won Pasteur a prestigious new post in Paris. In his account of the discovery, Pasteur suggested in ...
Pasteur realised that microbes were responsible for spoiling food, and just as importantly for France’s economy, wine. He discovered that heating wine to 55C killed bacteria and stopped wine ...