Some of the ancestors of modern Persian cats likely came from these regions. Spices, ideas, religions, and, yes, even animals moved through the Silk Road that connected China, the Middle East ...
South to Persia and the Indus. West to Constantinople. East to Xian. This network of commerce linked tens of millions of lives as far away as Africa and Southeast Asia. The Silk Road wasn’t a ...
The 8th-century Shôsôin collection of objects, which originally belonged to a Japanese emperor, is the single most important group of Silk Road-related luxury items still in existence. This collection ...
The ancient Silk Road helped to integrated the old Chinese, Indian, Persian, Arabian, ancient Greek and Roman cultures and promoted the exchange of the Western and Oriental civilizations.
The Silk Road, a network of trade routes connecting ... and missionaries from regions including Persia, India, Central Asia, and the Roman Empire. The Sogdian people originated from Sogdiana ...
following his conquest of Persia. While such a story is not backed by archaeological evidence, the city flourished as a trading centre a few centuries later, after the Silk Road opened ...
the Maritime Silk Route. The overland road gets all the attention, but ships had likely been plying the seas between China and the Persian Gulf since the time of Christ. In tune with the cycle of ...
Domestic cats first stepped paw in China more than a millennia ago, a new study has found. Their route in? Quite likely, the ...
For five thousand miles the Silk Road ran all the way from China’s ancient capital, through Central Asia. It passed through mythical cities such as Samarkand or Persepolis until it reached the ...
The road derives its name from the lucrative trade in Chinese silk carried out along its length ... classical civilisations of China, India, Persia, Europe and Arabia. The ability to trade ...