Article by Rabbi Gershon Avtzon - Rosh Yeshiva Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati: "Why would the Rebbe want the founding of the ...
Every year between Tisha B’av and Rosh Hashanah, we read the Seven Haftarot of Consolation from Isaiah 40-61. The first begins “Comfort, oh comfort My people, says your God” (Isaiah 40:1 ...
Rabbi Tarfon and Rabbi Akiva, as found in the Talmud, Makkot 7a: “A Sanhedrin [Rabbinic court] that affects an execution once in seven years, is branded a destructive tribunal. Rabbi Eliezer ben ...
The document specifically refused to recognize the certification of a woman’s Jewish status issued by Rabbi Akiva Herzfeld, who served as rabbi of the Congregation Shaarey Tphiloh in Portland ...
During a lecture delivered last night in New Jersey, Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto addressed the concept of life and death from a perspective of faith. He emphasized that most fears people experience, ...
Thus, we may reference Moshe, Mordechai, Rabbi Akiva, Rav Huna, Rabbenu Peter, and Rav Shlomo Zalmin Aurbach (Egyptian, Persian, Aramaic, French, and Yiddish) without puzzlement. Many great Jews ...