The US government is adopting the Viking mentality in its new approach to curbing the ever-growing population of a massive rat-like rodent — recommending that people try to turn it into a delicacy.
As the authorities step up enforcement against rodent-related lapses, experts warn that rising urbanisation, climate change ...
New research on the feeding habits of the desert rat-kangaroo could help locate the possibly extinct species, with ...
Officially, the ngudlukanta – also known as the desert rat-kangaroo (Caloprymnus campestris) – is one of the many small ...
Another person was more skeptical. “I'd eat a lot of things but I draw the line at Giant rats,” she wrote on Facebook. Nutria ...
Humans have spent centuries shaping the world. But nature wouldn’t hesitate to take over if we suddenly disappeared. Cities ...
Flinders University researchers have studied the musky rat-kangaroo (Hypsiprymnodon moschatus), a diminutive marsupial that weighs only 500 grams but is the last living representative of its family ...
Scientists stalking a small marsupial through a remote Australian rainforest say they may have found a clue to the mystery of ...
Of 101 samples collected from dead animals between September 2023 and May 2024, 85 percent tested positive for rodenticide, ...
A man has said he lives with "constant worry" about rats getting into his home as reports of infestations across Cardiff rise ...
A new research paper was published in Aging (Aging-US) on February 27, 2025, in Volume 17, Issue 2, titled “Age, sex, and ...