At least 95 percent of my village was farmers. I would never know the difference between Hutu and Tutsi if I did not learn it from school, family and peers. School was the first place that taught ...
After 100 days of fighting between the two ethnic groups, the Tutsi militia defeated Hutu government forces, ending the war and the genocide. But the Hutus' three-month slaughter of Tutsis left ...
Both countries have long been dominated by their Tutsi minorities, leading to tensions with the Hutu majority. Many more are thought to have arrived in 1994 during the Rwandan genocide ...
The president and his close colleagues decided, however, to exaggerate the RPF threat as a way to pull dissident Hutu back to his side and they began portraying Tutsi inside Rwanda as RPF ...
It is one of the most shameful stories of the post-Cold War world. One million Tutsis were slaughtered by the Hutu majority in Rwanda while the West turned a blind eye. As the U.N.ís Genocide ...
Most Burundians know little about the terms being proposed in the peace negotiations. Politicians eager to maintain their popularity do not reveal the kinds of concessions which they have been ...
Rwanda was locked in a civil war from 1990 to 1994 as a result of a long-running dispute between the Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups that formed the nation. A Hutu-led republic had been established ...