citing the Pequot War. “What happened here at Mashantucket is a story that was replicated throughout colonization,” said Butler. “And essentially a decimation of Indian country and so this ...
A Connecticut treaty in 1638 was a deal in which two Indigenous tribal nations would assimilate or enslave surviving members of the Pequot Wars.
Fast ferry Sassacus, the first craft built by the Pequot River Shipworks, owned by the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation, was launched into the Thames River in New London, Conn., on June 11.
“I don’t know enough about Pequot history or what happened in 1638 ... why you feel it’s necessary for an entirely different country, the United States of America, to address this ...
The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation held an inaugural ceremony ... The tribe owns and operates one of the country’s largest casinos, Foxwoods Resort Casino, along with a variety of other ...
One company, owned by the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation, will lose nearly $70 million as a result of DOGE cuts.
Welcome to Pequot Lakes! Plan your vacation with the area’s biggest tourism publication featuring the communities of Brainerd/Baxter, Crosslake, Cuyuna Lakes, Pequot Lakes, and Nisswa.