A rabbi trust is a type of irrevocable trust that employers use to fund deferred compensation plans for key employees or ...
Rabbi Eliyahu Fink, a prominent and empathetic voice on contemporary issues facing Jews in the Orthodox world, died early ...
There are more than 53 Muslim countries in the world, and more than 60 majority-Christian countries. There is only one Jewish ...
I am Catholic, but I have come to value Judaism even to the point of attending (with my wife) classes at a Miami synagogue to get to really know Judaism, because of the good rabbi’s influence.
There are people who live until the age of 90, but their lives are not really lives. They are sad, they are suffering. They have a full life—but a bad life, said Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto in his recent ...
Rabbi Uri Mordechai Lipsh, a Shliach in Bnei Brak, Israel and veteran educator, passed away on Purim, 5785. He was 58 and ...
Kushner’s “When Bad Things Happen to Good People” has sold more than 4 million copies in at least 12 languages. (JTA) — Rabbi Harold Kushner, one of the most influential congregational ...
It's a long story, and Rabbi Char loves a good story. "I grew up mostly in Andersonville, which was a very nice neighborhood, especially if you were Scandianvian; and if you were Jewish ...