"Nickel Boys" is based on a novel by the same name, about boys sent to the fictional "Nickel Academy" in Florida's panhandle, where they suffered horrific abuse. The details of the story were inspired ...
But any new push by Trump's team to unload more of the government's real estate to private owners won't automatically spell doom and gloom for cities. It could actually help older office buildings ...
In an interview aired Wednesday night, Trump said he may withhold aid to California until the state adjusts how it manages ...
A Sunny Isles Beach man is accused of jumping over a security wall at the Winter White House. Police say Bijan Arceo gained access to Mar-a-Lago through a gate along South Ocean Boulevard last night.
Incumbent Mayfield is leaving the House District 32 seat to run for vacancy in Florida Senate District 19, which covers Central and South Brevard.
Catch up on the political news of the past week in the latest At the Races newsletter, including on abortion politics and 2026 updates.
The president repeated false claims that the state’s fish conservation efforts in the northern part of the state are ...
Trump's suggestion that states should "take care of their own problems" could have major implications for GOP states in the South.
A former lobbyist at an influential firm with close ties to Trumpworld has landed a high-ranking role at the White House's Presidential Personnel Office.
From decorations to executive orders, the 47th president has taken an aggressive posture in attempting to remake government.
During an interview Wednesday night with Fox News’s Sean Hannity, Trump claimed that his thinking about FEMA had recently shifted, not the least bit because it sometimes helps people in liberal states ...