Wearing colorful robes and fearsome masks, the monks high stepped and spun around around the sandstone courtyard to the sound ...
The story of the Buddha comes to us from around 2,500 years ago, originating in the eastern part of India. The story of Jesus ...
Buddhism is one of the largest religions in ... Rather than worshiping a god, Buddhists follow the teachings of a man who lived long ago. As a young man he was called Siddhartha Gautama.
Buddhism is largely based on the teachings and philosophy of one man, the Buddha, and his spiritual journey. But tracing a timeline of events for the historical Buddha can be difficult, as the ...
The Buddha isn't a god, but we use a statue of him to help us concentrate on his teachings when we meditate. Meditation is a mixture of calming the body and thinking deeply about something.
Why don't Buddhists believe in souls or an eternal creator God? Anicca - Buddhism teaches that nothing is permanent. Everything changes. So this means that things like everlasting souls or eternal ...
Buddhism is another big world religion. Buddhists do not believe in one god. If you are a Buddhist, you follow the teachings of a man called Siddharta Guatama who lived over 2,000 years ago.
Certain characteristics are common to images of Buddha: the Victoria & Albert Museum ... strong and attractive voice like that of the Hindu god Brahma'. One of the most prominent physical ...