Samsung Electronics on Wednesday unveiled its newest Galaxy S25 smartphones, powered by Qualcomm's chips and Google's ...
Half of American teenagers get 4 hours or more of daily screen time and are more likely to experience anxiety and depression, a report found.
Samsung's flagship phone was once again my favorite, but several other makers offered strong entrants in specific niches of the smartphone market.
Gov. Hochul has revealed details of her plan to ban smartphones in New York schools as part of her FY 2026 Executive Budget ...
The goal of the proposal is to create a distraction-free learning experience, while fostering learning and creativity and ...
In a social media post on X, Vaishnaw said: "Another big PLI milestone. Smartphones now India's 2nd ranked exports. Climbed ...
"ColdFusion is your gateway to understanding the past, present, and future of technology and innovation. Discover ...
The order of the factors usually changes the result, and this is the case when we put our mobile phone to charge, and a small ...