The razor-sharp mind of Alan Partridge has been unleashed towards chat show guests for almost 30 years. These skills were honed on BBC Radio 4, where Alan knew that it wasn’t enough to simply ...
This season 12 instalment will be a memorable episode as this is going to be the first time fans are introduced to Sergeant Goodfellow’s (John Burton) wife Violet Goodfellow. While her role in the ...
Carey Mulligan stars in The Ballad of Wallis Island, a comedy directed by James Griffiths. The film follows a musician hired ...
In an episode of "I'm Alan Partridge", the titular hero says that U2's "Sunday Bloody Sunday" is a song that "really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday" when you have to "mow the lawn" and ...
We follow the beloved and, to be fair, revered broadcaster Alan Partridge as he reintegrates into life in Britain after a year working in Saudi Arabia. But what begins as a documentary about ...
In the iconic Alan Partridge episode Never Say Alan Again, the Norwich radio host is hoping to show some friends the “best film ever made” – The Spy Who Loved Me – only to find that his Geordie friend ...
Episode 6 - The Alan Partridge Playmates dance troupe performs a very special routine to open the show.Alan chats to two lady lesbians before meeting restaurant critic Forbes McAllister who is ...
Episode 5 - Alan is hopeful when some Irish TV executives attend An Afternoon with Alan Partridge he is hosting at the Travel Tavern.But will the attentions of Jed, his number one fan, jeopordise ...