Four executions are scheduled this year with a new lethal injection protocol and the ethical and legal debate is intensifying ...
Sakamoto Days anime has just started one of the most popular arcs of the story. What is the Death Row Prisoners arc about?
Steven Bixby who subscrubes to views held by the sovereign citizen movement was sentenced to death for the murders of two law ...
For the second consecutive year, a bill seeking to remove the death penalty from Delaware’s constitution is up for debate in ...
The Peruvian government declared a state of emergency on Monday in the provinces of Lima and Callao to stem a rise in crime, ...
A Texas woman was on death row for 27 years. But questions over a key witness could have her soon walking out of prison - ...
Marcus Mitchell has advocated for access to a high school education for individuals on death row for nearly two decades. Now, ...
A Houston woman has filed a lawsuit against iconic West Coast rap label Death Row Records, which featured rappers such as ...