Work Ready recently hosted its Worklahoma job fair event in partnership with the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission and ...
Arnold Champion—Hanna Coldiron, who owns and trains at her gym, Southwest Barbell, recently won the Arnold after qualifying ...
LAWTON, Okla. (KSWO) - The 82nd annual Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge longhorn sale is around the corner. The sale will ...
The Oklahoma Children’s Theatre is going to be presenting Cinderella Confidential in an upcoming event at MacArthur Middle ...
There have been some recent updates regarding concerns about the ongoing repair work in Altus which has impacted some viewers ...
The Lawton Public Library will be hosting another digital skills training event soon, it will be covering windows 11 basics ...
Thursday will be another nice day as temperatures will be above average with afternoon highs expected to reach the low 80s.
LAWTON, Okla. (KSWO) - The 63rd Civil Support Team recently conducted a full-scale exercise at Lawton’s City Hall Annex on March 12. The exercise allows Lawton’s first responders and Emergency ...
The Oklahoma Senate passed a bill seeking a change to when general elections for school board races take place.
LAWTON, Okla. (KSWO) - Cameron University has named a new Dean of Students. Tuesday, officials with the school announced that ...
Police were called to the Salvation Army early on March 11 as tents and coverings were moved from one area to another.
The Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) hosted the “People with Disabilities Awareness Day,” event on March ...