Following the conclusion of the regular season, the Patriot League announced its postseason All-League teams and major awards ...
Why Lehigh? “Family ties as well as the amazing environment created for me on my college visit.” Before Lehigh: Player of the Year nomination 2022-23… Sun Sentinel All-County in 2022-23 and 2023-24… ...
Why Lehigh?: “For the beautiful campus, outstanding academics, valuable golf opportunities and friendly teammates.” As a sophomore: First team All-Patriot League ...
Jessica Miller, a 2011 Lehigh graduate will stay on as a graduate assistant coach after a decorated playing career as a Mountain Hawk. Miller takes over for Jen Angers, who accepted the head coaching ...
ON COACH BLUE: “Coach Blue has so much positive energy. Just by talking to her, you feel motivated to give your best for the program.” AS A FRESHMAN (2011): Saw action in five games (starting two), ...
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[15:00] Owen Hirsch at goalie for FFD. Owen Hirsch at goalie for FFD. [15:00] Faceoff Dow,Sean vs Dylan Smith won by LEHIGH, [15:00] Ground ball pickup by LEHIGH Theodoropoulos,Peter. Faceoff Dow,Sean ...
Sep 23 (Fri) Away Cornell Fall Invitational Ithaca, N.Y. N - We use cookies and other technologies We, along with our service providers and other third parties use cookies and other analytics, ...
The early 1900s represented some of the most successful years in men's lacrosse at Lehigh. Part of the reason was due to the superb play of Judge H. Victor Schwimmer. A goaltender, he was one of the ...
One of Lehigh's most versatile athletes, Robert F. “Bob” Naylor '57 excelled on both the football field and on the baseball diamond for the Brown and White. The winner of six varsity letters, Naylor ...
One cannot mention Lehigh basketball without including the name of Mike Polaha in the same sentence. The Allentown, Pennsylvania native decided to play close to home and the result was the most ...
Take a quick glance through the Lehigh women's basketball record book and one name you’ll find prominently displayed is that of Sherie Androlewicz. The numbers put up by Androlewicz throughout her ...