Dr. Abyzov is proud to have mentored exceptional interns, students and trainees. Dhananjay Dhokarh, Ph.D. Tanmoy Roychowdhury, Ph.D.
John B. Gebhart, M.D., has a research interest in benign pelvic surgery with an emphasis on reconstructive pelvic surgery. See the peer-reviewed findings I have published as a result of my research.
A systematic review is a rigorous process that starts with a comprehensive literature search to identify all studies that answer a specific health care question. The Evidence-Based Practice Research ...
The mission of the CT Clinical Innovation Center at Mayo Clinic is to facilitate high-impact imaging innovations that translate directly into patient care. Our center develops and evaluates new ...
Our investigators have made many novel and important contributions to PKD research, backed by state-of-the-art technical resources and services, including imaging analysis, model systems and genetic ...
The Windland Smith Rice Sudden Death Genomics Lab has discovered more than a dozen genes with a predisposition to sudden death and remains committed to improving diagnostic and prognostic approaches ...
Treadmills with a 10-camera motion capture system and other specialized equipment help clinicians determine the most appropriate treatment, such as step training to reduce the incidence of falls in ...
CCaTS' Clinical Research and Trials Unit (CRTU) offers investigators the support they need to conduct clinical research — specially trained nurses, registered dietitians, technical and support staff, ...
Research teams in Arizona actively investigate complex diseases and conditions with a goal of improving care for patients. As they search for answers, scientists and physicians work side by side, ...
Scientists and physicians in Minnesota conduct innovative research across the spectrum of medicine, translating their discoveries into new treatments that benefit patients. Knowing that teamwork ...
Specialized teams conduct research and translate discoveries to patient care, addressing needs of patients with diabetes; heart, liver and lung diseases; neurological disorders; skeletal injuries; and ...
Our work focuses on patient-centered care and translation of research evidence into clinical practice. Patients are often faced with confusing and difficult situations, and clinicians don't always ...