Is there anyone out there that hasn’t had difficulties adjusting to the temperature extremes we have been experiencing?
Each week, the Montevideo American News will share a photograph from our archives for you to “guess who”. To submit your ...
Through my recent articles, we’ve been learning about the different “looks” of dementia. This week, however, we are going to ...
I recently went on a date with my six-year-old daughter. It was an elegant affair. She wore a gown. I donned a suit. My ...
Question: I’ve read your last couple of “Ask A Trooper” articles and with all this talk about driver’s license suspensions ...
In Yellow Medicine County, we currently recycle only about 60% of our paper and paper products, which means an alarming 40% is discarded as waste.
Minnesota will have newly established limits for several species when the new fishing license year begins on March 1.
Turkey hunters can purchase their licenses for the spring 2025 season starting Saturday, March 1. Licenses may be purchased online (, by telephone at 888-665-4236 or in person ...