but what is meant that He says “I am the Aleph and the Tau,....”? His Aleph/first coming is to come to the repentant one from the kingdom of darkness/lawlessness and to begin His seed of faith sown in his sanctified heart at his spiritual birth with His blessed gift to work for Him and the fulfillment of his learning of His
Bayit haMashiyach - The Aleph and Tau Messianic comings are for …
The Aleph and Tau (Alpha and Omega) Mashiyach comings for all mortal ages to come, and the Spirit of EliYahu (Elijah) restores His things in all spiritual lives upon their repentance. The writings in these links below are for us to understand when coming to our spiritual lives:
The Aleph and Tau (Alpha and Omega) Mashiyach comings are for all mortal ages to come, and the Spirit of EliYahu (Elijah) restores His things in all spiritual lives upon their repentance.
The Aleph and Tau Messanic comings The Anointing One abides in you and the need for…. The coming Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah The conception of darkness. The early rain and the latter rain The Gospel of Thomas. The Lamb of Elohim takes away the sin of the world The Origin of the English Word for God.
What is between His Aleph coming and His Tau coming is during our spiritual growth on the earth we learn more of His teachings to fulfill before our fleshly death at His harvest time.
The whole Scriptures interlining with the Hebrew, Greek, English ...
The Parable of the prodigal son, Aleph Tau, Ask, Seek, Knock, Cocoon and Butterfly,
and what shall be the sign of Your coming, - Bayit haMashiyach
His first (Aleph) coming is for His Word of Light sown in the repentant heart for the shortened days, and His last (Tau) coming is for his spiritual production reaped at the end of every fleshly age.
at His Tau (2 nd) coming. The Law of sowing and reaping (Matthew 25:15-34) is understood at the Aleph and Tau comings with the seed sown and reaped. Those who are given five or two talents are more wise to sow and reap in preparation to give to …
The commentary of 613 Mitzvot (commandments of Torah/Law of …
The Aleph and Tau Messianic comings. are for all mortals to repent and to fulfill. Website Designed ...
Chazon l'Yauchanan (Book of Revelation) - Bayit haMashiyach
His first (Aleph) coming is for His Word of Light sown in the repentant heart for the shortened days, and His last (Tau) coming is for his spiritual production reaped at the end of every fleshly age.