Vector - Arai Helmets
The Vector is another example of Arai's organic shell-design philosophy. An Arai helmet shape is created to conform more closely to the human head shape, making it look better, and "flow" better in the wind.
ARAI VECTOR-X Glass White - Motorcycle Helmets
ARAI VECTOR-X is a touring type of helmet from ARAI that offers style, comfort, and enhanced performance. It sports a ton of notable features such as effective air and noise reduction, enhanced protection, plus a sturdy build for daily use.
Arai Vector-X - JPmotorcyclehelmet: Motorcycle Helmet, Parts & Accessories
Arai Helmets Buy Discount Arai VECTOR-X PLACE Matt Black Online $ 565.00 $ 515.00. Sale! Add to Wishlist. Quick View. Arai Helmets Buy Discount Arai VECTOR-X Flat Black Online $ 450.00 $ 430.00. Sale! Add to Wishlist. Quick View. Arai Helmets Buy Discount Arai VECTOR-X Live Red Online $ 450.00 $ 430.00.
最高峰の被り心地を実現! 「Arai VECTOR-X」登場! - webオー …
Feb 10, 2017 · アライヘルメットの新型フルフェイス「VECTOR-X(ベクターX)」が登場します。 同社のツーリング向け最高峰モデル「アストラルX」の被り心地をを引き継ぎながら、アップライトなライポジでも、前傾ライポジでも効果的なベンチレーションを実現しています。 税込価格は4万4280円、カラーバリエーションは全5色となっています(グラフィック除く)。 「強固さ(タフさ)」を強調するグラフィックカラーは3色! ソリッドカラーの6色以外にも …
Arai Vector Review - webBikeWorld
Jan 12, 2007 · The Arai Vector is another high quality, comfortable and quiet helmet from Arai that should fit riders with the “Intermediate Oval” head shape that’s between the Arai “Round Oval” and “Long Oval”.
ツーリングヘルメット最高峰のアストラルXの被り心地を引き継ぎ、エントリーライダーからベテランライダーまで満足させ、さらなるプロテクションを追求したリアル・スタイリッシュモデルのベクターXをベースとした〈ベクターX・スタイル〉の登場です。 フランス人デザイナー「OCD」社による、ヨーロッパの街並みを優雅に走りを楽しむイメージのスタイリッシュでエレガントなグラフィックを施した、ピンク・ブルー・ブラックの3色展開で、同時発売の〈SZ …
VECTOR-X Archives - Motorcycle Helmets
ARAI VECTOR-X is a touring helmet that’s fashionable, comfortable, and has enhanced performance. It’s packed with notable features like better protection, effective air & noise reduction, and a tough build for everyday use.
Arai Vector Helmets - RevZilla
The Arai Vector was introduced in 2007 to replace the older "Astral-X." The Vector has an "intermediate oval" shape, which is shorter front-to-back and a little wider side-to-side than the long oval shape of the Arai Profile. This fit package begins the shift from oblong toward round.
Arai VECTOR-X TOUGH full face helmet, XL size, 2020 model, with …
Dec 16, 2024 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Arai VECTOR-X TOUGH full face helmet, XL size, 2020 model, with PINLOCK seat at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
ARAI VECTOR-X TOUGH Flat White - Motorcycle Helmets
VECTOR-X TOUGH features inner side ducts that guides air to the right and left temple area of the helmet. Boosting the cooling effect on the upper ear portion of the helmet, its entire inner portion cools down evenly. The VECTOR-X TOUGH sports a reduced-size NE Nozzle that helps exhaust hot air efficiently.
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