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Birra Moretti is a quality beer made in the traditional way. It is the result of a production process that has remained almost unchanged since 1859. The best raw materials are used to make Birra Moretti, as well as a special blend of high quality hops that gives it a unique taste and fragrance, enhancing its perfectly balanced bitter taste.
Home | Birra Moretti
BIRRA MORETTI is a quality beer made in the traditional way. It is the result of a production process that has remained almost unchanged since 1859. The best raw materials are used to make BIRRA MORETTI, as well as a special blend of high quality hops that gives it a unique taste and fragrance, enhancing its perfectly balanced bitter taste.
Our Beers - Birra Moretti
Birra Moretti is a quality beer made in the traditional way. It is the result of a production process that has remained almost unchanged since 1859.
Birra Moretti | Home
A special blend of quality hops creates a well balanced lager with some hoppy and fruity notes, finished with moderate bitterness and a clean aftertaste. Birra Moretti can be matched perfectly with food, such as a delicious pasta dish. Salute! Discover the beer
Birra Moretti | Home
Birra Moretti è una birra di qualità prodotta con metodi tradizionali. È il risultato di un processo di produzione che è rimasto pressoché invariato dal 1859. Per fare la Birra Moretti vengono usati i migliori ingredienti e una miscela di luppoli di alta qualità che le conferiscono la sua fragranza e il suo sapore unico, con il suo amaro ...
Our History - Birra Moretti
Today Birra Moretti is exported to over 40 countries around the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and Japan and has won important international awards. In 2006 Birra Moretti was the only Italian brand to have been awarded both gold and silver medals at the World Beer Cup, the most important international competition ...
За направата на Birra Moretti се използват най-добрите суровини, както и съчетание от висококачествен хмел, който придава уникален вкус и аромат, подсилвайки съвършено балансирания горчив вкус.
Birra Moretti | Home
Birra Moretti ist ein hochwertiges Bier, das auf traditionelle Weise hergestellt wird. Es ist das Ergebnis eines Produktionsprozesses, der seit 1859 so gut wie gleich geblieben ist.
Birra Moretti
Birra Moretti подкрепя отговорната консумация на алкохол. Ето защо трябва да сте достигнали възрастта, на която е позволена консумацията на алкохол, за да посетите нашия уебсайт.
L'Autentica - Birra Moretti
Für die Herstellung von Birra Moretti werden die besten Rohstoffe verwendet, sowie eine spezielle Mischung aus hochwertigem Hopfen, die ihm einen einzigartigen Geschmack und ein ganz spezielles Aroma verleiht und seinen perfekt ausgewogenen bitteren Geschmack verstärkt.