Caiman - Wikipedia
Caimans are native to Central and South America and inhabit marshes, swamps, lakes, and mangrove rivers. They have scaly skin and live a fairly nocturnal existence.
Spectacled caiman - Wikipedia
The spectacled caiman is one of three extant (living) species of the genus Caiman, the other two being the Yacare caiman (Caiman yacare) and the Broad-snouted caiman (Caiman latirostris). There are also several extinct fossil species in the genus Caiman, possibly up to eight species.
15 Jaw-Dropping Caiman Facts - Fact Animal
Frequently found in Mexico and parts of South America, caimans navigate through marshes, swamps, rivers, and lakes. Their tough skin and powerful jaws protect them from the majority of other animals that share these habitats.
Caiman | Description, Genera, & Facts | Britannica
The spectacled caiman, a native of the tropics from southern Mexico to Brazil, takes its name from a bony ridge between the eyes that resembles the nosepiece of a pair of eyeglasses. It is abundant along quiet mud-bottomed waters.
Caimán (Caiman crocodilus) - iNaturalist Mexico
El caimán de anteojos, cachirre, babilla, blanco o baba (Caiman crocodilus) es una especie de reptil carnívoro que habita los diferentes tipos de cursos de agua dulce, ciénagas y pantanos en el sur de México, Centroamérica y el noroeste de Sudamérica.
Spectacled caiman | Size, Habitat, & Facts | Britannica
spectacled caiman, (Caiman crocodilus), species of alligator-like reptiles common to swamps, other wetlands, and waterways in Central America and northern South America. The spectacled caiman takes its name from its most prominent distinguishing feature, a bony ridge between the eyes that resembles the nosepiece of a pair of eyeglasses .
“The common caiman is indigenous to southern Mexico, Central America, and northern South America, including Trinidad and Tobago, as far south as northern Argentina with occasional vagrants showing up at Grenadines and the Lesser Antilles (Smith and Smith, 1973, 1976, 1977,
24 Spectacled Caiman Facts: Guide to Caiman crocodilus
Jun 30, 2023 · These average sized caiman live across much of Latin America – from Mexico to Brazil and Peru. In this post, you’ll learn facts about spectacled caiman including their diet, habitat, habits, unique features, and more.
Caimán (Caiman crocodilus) también llamado caimán de anteojos cachirre, babilla, guagipal o baba, es un reptil carnívoro, nativo de México. pertenece a la familia Alligatoridae. Miden los machos entre 1.88 y 2.55 m de largo y las hembras 1.4 m de largo, las crías miden 20 cm de largo aproximadamente.
Caimanes (Género Caiman) - iNaturalist Mexico
Caiman es un género de crocodilios de la familia de los aligatóridos, conocidos vulgarmente como yacarés o caimanes. Se distribuyen en las regiones subtropicales y tropicales de América, desde México hasta el sur de Sudamérica.