Chenye Yang - University of California, Davis | LinkedIn
Reproduce the conclusions with uniform samples in "Bandlimited Field Reconstruction for Wireless Sensor Networks". Experiment on Gaussian distribution of sampling and discuss the difference.
- Connections: 262
- Location: University of California, Davis
Chenye Yang - Google Scholar
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems …, 2021
Chenye Yang | UC Davis - GitHub Pages
Survey on current Edge AI systems and Digital Twin (DT) representation, and design our own system architecture from MCU and sensor hardware to user application. Build the testbed from scratch. Testbed: Arduino Uno reads custom sensor data (vibration, sound, etc.) and transmit them to ESP8266 via UART.
Chenye Yang - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - LinkedIn
As the largest organ in the human body, the skin provides the important sensory channel for humans to receive external stimulations based on touch. By the information perceived through touch,...
- 500+ connections
- Location: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chenye Yang | UC Davis - GitHub Pages
Design a long-range, low-power, low-cost soil condition sensing system to simultaneously measure soil moisture and temperature over long duration at multiple locations. It is a distributed, scalable sensing network: using one LoRa gateway to link multiple sensor units via LoRa wireless communication. Data is stored in MongoDB.
- Implement the data flow from sensors to microcontroller to cloud. Use Azure InfluxDB to do data fusion and ML. · Hardware - Design and build the PCB for back-scatter tag. Choose components and design PCB layout. · Other - Organize and standardize WiLOLoRa.lib and WiLOSensors.lib to support the operating of LoRa mesh network and
Chenye Xiong - Graduate Student Researcher - LinkedIn
Excellent Graduation Project for Research and Design of High-Precision Wide-Band High-Current Closed-Loop Hall Current Sensor.
- Connections: 24
- Location: UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science
Deep Neural Networks with Auxiliary-Model Regulated Gating for ...
Jan 29, 2019 · Deep neural networks allow for fusion of high-level features from multiple modalities and have become a promising end-to-end solution for multi-modal sensor fusion.
Chenye Yang | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Affiliations: [Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, USA].
The Electric Energy Systems Group (EESG)
Yongcai Wang, Xiaohong Hao, Lei Song, Chenye Wu, Amy Wang, Changjian Hu, Yu Lu, Tracking States of Massive Electrical Appliances by Lightweight Metering and Sequence Decoding, In Proc. of the Sixth International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data (SensorKDD '12).