Ionia, MI | Official Website
Granger reports how much refuse and recycling materials are collected annually in the City of Ionia, and how the City’s contract with Granger saves City residents significant money on rates, compared to what residents are charged outside of the City! Read on...
Departments | Ionia, MI - City of Ionia
The City of Ionia Public Utilities Department oversees water supply, water distribution, and wastewater treatment operations. Our outstanding city staff is highly trained, and our facilities are regularly used for tours and training by the State of Michigan because of our commitment to …
Ionia, MI | Official Website - City of Ionia
Granger reports how much refuse and recycling materials are collected annually in the City of Ionia, and how the City’s contract with Granger saves City residents significant money on rates, compared to what residents are charged outside of the City!
Online Bill Payment | Ionia, MI - City of Ionia
The City of Ionia has contracted with BS&A Software and Point and Pay to offer you the convenient option to pay bills online with a major credit card. Learn more about how to make a payment and arrange an automatic bill pay service.
The Ionia Income Tax Office is located at City Hall, 114 N Kidd Street, Ionia, MI. Mail all tax correspondence to: Ionia City Income Tax, PO Box 512, Ionia, MI 48846. TAX RATES
Ionia, MI | Official Website
Granger reports how much refuse and recycling materials are collected annually in the City of Ionia, and how the City’s contract with Granger saves City residents significant money on rates, compared to what residents are charged outside of the City! Read on...
Government | Ionia, MI - City of Ionia
City Council & Mayor. The City Council serves as the legislative body of the City and is responsible for setting policy and approving the annual fiscal year budget. City Finance & Treasurer. The Finance Department and Treasurer administer the operations of property taxes, utility billing, and payment options. City Income Tax
Nonresidents of the City of Ionia working in Ionia. Access www.cityofionia.org/229/City-Income-Tax for a list of the addresses located within the City of Ionia. QUESTIONS? CALL: (616) 52 ï r ì í ð î Or visit: www.cityofionia.org/229/City-Income-Tax RETURN TO: IONIA CITY INCOME TAX . P.O. BOX 512 . IONIA, MICHIGAN 48846 . ADDRESS SERVICE ...
Public Safety | Ionia, MI - City of Ionia
The Ionia Department of Public Safety will provide the community with a safe and secure environment through the enforcement of laws, fire suppression, emergency rescue, education, and medical aid to those in need.
City, town or post office State Zip code Foreign country name, province/county, postal code.00 Make payment by check or money order payable to "City of IONIA." Write your social security number, daytime phone number, and "2025 I-1040ES" on your payment. DO NOT SEND CASH. THIRD QUARTER ESTIMATED INCOME TAX PAYMENT VOUCHER IONIA