Mavic Pro Platinum - Portable 4K Drone with Reduced Noise - DJI …
The Mavic Pro Platinum is equipped with a 3-axis gimbal and 4K camera. With 4dB noise reduction, the Mavic Pro Platinum is one of DJI's best portable drones. Buy the Mavic Pro Platinum now at the DJI Store!
Support for Mavic Pro Platinum - DJI
Learn how to use Mavic Pro Platinum and get useful tips, tutorial videos, specifications, and after-sales services.
Mavic Pro Platinum購入 - DJI Store
DJI公式オンラインストアでMavic Pro Platinumを購入する。お買い得品を見つけて、DJI製品をスピーディで便利なオンラインストアで購入しよう!
Mavic Pro Platinumのサポート - DJI
Mavic Pro Platinumの使い方を学び、役立つヒント、チュートリアル動画、仕様、アフターサービス情報などを確認できます。
Support für Mavic Pro Platinum - DJI
Erfahre, wie du den Mavic Pro Platinum verwendest und nützliche Tipps, Tutorial-Videos, Spezifikationen und Kundendienstleistungen erhalten kannst.
Mavic Pro 铂金版技术支持 - DJI 大疆创新
Mavic Pro Platinum 与 Mavic Pro 最大的提升是在续航时间和减噪方面,Mavic Pro Platinum 最大飞行时间达到 30min,在距离 1m 处噪声声压级降低约4分贝。
Mavic Pro Platinum - Download Center - DJI
Learn and download Mavic Pro Platinum related apps, software, and manuals at the DJI Download Center
Mavic Pro Platinum 지원 - DJI
Mavic Pro Platinum 사용 방법을 배우고 유용한 팁, 튜토리얼 동영상, 사양 및 A/S 서비스 정보를 확인하세요.
Comprar Mavic Pro Platinum - DJI Store
Dron de consumo de DJI con un sistema de triple cámara. La cámara Hasselblad y dos telecámaras graban vídeo en 4K/60 fps.
Mavic Pro Platinum shaking gimbal and abnormal vibration - DJI …
Jun 26, 2021 · I am having issues with my Mavic Pro Platinum’s gimbal shaking and being very unstable while flying. I’ll get a message that says abnormal gimbal vibrations at times. I’ve sent it in once for this exact same issue.