Dalit - Wikipedia
Representation of the varna system hierarchy, depicting Brahmins (priests) at the highest level and Dalits (historically marginalized as untouchables, considered outside the varna system) at the lowest stratum.
Dalit Hindu saints - Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia
Many Dalit through their virtuous works, were given the title of Brahmin by non-Harijans. The most popular examples are Mātanga, Nandanar, Purnā nanda , and Vālmiki . In one legend, Nandanar entered a fire and came out of the fire as a Brahmin.
India’s Caste System: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Sudras
According to the Rig Veda, the first man Purush used his body to create a human society: Brahmins came from Purush's head, Kshatriyas came from Purush's arms, Vaishyas from his thighs, and Shudras from Purush's feet. The caste system did not consider the Dalits — the "untouchables", people who had no jati classification.
The Dalit-Bahujan Guide to Understanding Caste in Hindu Scripture
Jul 13, 2016 · The term Bahujan refers to present day Scheduled Castes (Dalits), Scheduled Tribes (Adivasis/indigenous) and Shudra (peasant) castes — cutting across religion, ethnicities and geographies. In...
Who Are the Dalits? - ThoughtCo
Feb 4, 2020 · A Dalit is actually born below the caste system, which includes four primary castes: Brahmins (priests), Kshatriya (warriors and princes), Vaishya (farmers and artisans), and Shudra (tenant farmers and servants).
The Dalit Brahmin And Other Stories - Goodreads
Jan 1, 2018 · ‘Dalit Brahmin’ is a sarcastic epithet for the urban, educated Dalit middle class who look down upon their own folk much as the brahmins do, and seek to distance themselves from their caste identity.
Dalit Movements in India
Dec 5, 2024 · Brahmins have systematically deprived Dalits of land and resources, ensuring their subjugation. However, a small group of educated Dalits began to organize and mobilize their community, which eventually evolved into the Dalit Movement—a resistance against the dominant Brahmanical ideology.
The Dalit Brahmin and Other Stories - Orient BlackSwan
‘Dalit Brahmin’ is a sarcastic epithet for the urban, educated Dalit middle class who look down upon their own folk much as the brahmins do, and seek to distance themselves from their caste identity.
Dalit Movements - INSIGHTS IAS - Simplifying UPSC IAS Exam …
The Dalit movement began as a protest movement, to bring socio-political transformation in the status of Dalits in India. The Dalits were isolated, fragmented and oppressed by the hegemony of Upper Caste culture.
Dalits, adivasis or women, have been systematically pushed to the periphery by the traditional Brahmanical structure of oppression. Dalits are the people who are economically, socially, politically exploited from centuries. Unable to live in the society of human beings, they have been living outside the village depending on lower level