Dr Ala Alwan – IARC
Dr Ala Alwan is Regional Director Emeritus of the World Health Organization (WHO). He is a Visiting Professor in Global Health at the University of Washington, an Honorary Professor of Public Health at Imperial College London, and an Honorary Professor of Global Health at the University of Oxford.
Ala Alwan - University of Washington Department of Global Health
Ala Alwan, MBChB, MRCP, FRCP is a visiting Professor in Global Health. He held several leading positions at the World Health Organization including Assistant Director General for non-communicable diseases and mental health, Representative of the Director General for emergencies and health action in crises, and regional director for the WHO ...
Ala Alwan – Professor Global Health - LinkedIn Schweiz
Uniquely qualified public health professional with accomplishments as distinguished professor and medical school dean, Professor of Global Health, University of Washington and London School of...
- Title: WHO Regional Director …
- Location: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, U. of London
Curriculum vitae | Ala Alwan | Geneva | WHO
Dr Alwan has been leading emergency response and outbreak control in the region and he has placed major emphasis on delivery of effective emergency support and sustaining the functionality of health systems in affected countries.
Ala Alwan - DCP3
Dr. Ala Alwan is the former Regional Director for the World Health Organization's Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMRO). He is currently Principal Investigator for the Disease Control Priorities Network project and Visiting Professor at the University of …
Ala Alwan - Google Scholar
A Alwan, DR MacLean. International health 1 (1), 3-9, 2009. 135: 2009: Noncommunicable diseases: a major challenge to public health in the Region. A Alwan, WM Al-Attar, RA Eliessa, ZA Madfaie, FN Tawfeeq. World Health Organization, Regional Office …
Public Health | Genève - Ala Alwan
Dr Ala Alwan is a public health expert, with extensive national, regional and global experience. Special emphasis on noncommunicable diseases.
It is my pleasure to present my annual report for 2012. I have outlined in the report the process of review that took place last year in order to arrive at consensus on the five strategic priorities for continued health development in the Region.
Professor Ala Alwan, MD, FRCP, FFPH Ala Alwan is a Regional Director Emeritus, World Health Organization (WHO) and visiting professor of Global Health, University of Washington. He was the WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean from …
WHO EMRO | Dr Ala Alwan, Directeur régional de l’OMS pour la Méditerranée orientale. En premier lieu, nous devrons renforcer notre soutien aux dix pays dans lesquels la charge de mortalité maternelle et infantile est la plus élevée, et ce pendant les trois prochaines années, soit jusqu'à la fin de l'année 2015.