ephedrine in place of speed - Drugs-Forum
Jan 8, 2008 · Ephedrine and Pseudo ephedrine are similar to the amphetamines, but are not to be considered safe for use as a recreational drug. The mistaken belief that an over-the-counter drug is safer to experiment has been the demise of more than a few. Heed some genuinely sincere advice : Get a new hobby.
Extraction of ephedrine from broncial salt licks - Drugs-Forum
Jan 5, 2010 · Ephedrine may be an additive in certain medicated salt licks or cough drops, otherwise known as throat losenges. Yes, it appears some may contain ephedrine in certain parts of the world. I am certain one could extract any number of substances contained within said throat losenge; UTFSE and see what you may come up with...
Combinations - Valium (Diazepam) and Ephedrine? - Drugs-Forum
Jul 4, 2006 · Lately, I have been taking ephedrine semi-daily and has combined it with benzos a couple of times to take the edge off or help with anxiety. The benzo she used it with was klonopin and not valium though. Swim noticed no ill effects with the combo, and the sensation was somewhat pleasurable...a bit of energy, but relaxed. But, I was also only ...
Snorting - ephedrine question - Drugs-Forum
Nov 23, 2009 · Snorting ephedrine question Discussion in 'Concerta & Ritalin' started by RitalinUser, Aug 11, 2009. Aug ...
Combinations - Taking Adderall with Ephedrine? - Drugs-Forum
Oct 2, 2011 · It was ephedrine that was 'banned', BUT it's only been banned from being sold OTC as a 'supplement'. So, even when they took it out of Stackers & Minithins, you could still buy it behind the pharmacy counter (but you don't need a prescription) as a 'bronchodilator' for asthma (in which case it's mixed with guafeinsen, or however you spell that expectorant that's in almost every OTC cold medicine).
really unbelieveble extraction of ephedra (ma haung)
Mar 28, 2006 · I was thinking to extract ephedrine.HCl out of the herb Ma huang. Swim also knows that the dry herb only contains 0,5% to 1,5% of total alkaloids. Ephedrine takes up to 80% of this alkaloids. So I went to the shop and bought some Ma huang (400g) to start with. Offcourse I am not stupid. Ma huang is expensive and he starts his first extraction ...
Ma-huang extraction of eph. alkaloids - Drugs-Forum
Apr 22, 2010 · After working up the extracts, ephedrine was separated from the pseudo-ephedrine to crystallization of the hydrochlorides from 95% alcohol. Pseudo-Ephedrine May be Recovered from the mother liquors. Ghose and Krishna (114, 117, 118) Described other methods of extraction and preparation of the alkaloid concentrates. They separated ephedrine from ...
Long term use of pseudoephedrine and ephedrine - Drugs-Forum
Feb 13, 2013 · Ephedrine is like pseudoephedrine on steroids. I take it to write, study, make music, and game. I become EXTREMELY good at halo while on this, haha. My sense are turned up to the max. My scalp is tingling, and I have endless empathy for the world. I experience euphoria. I am talking (or typing) a mile a minute, and it feels like it will never end.
Combinations Ephedrine hcl, caffeine, yohimbe, and nicotine? Any ...
Apr 22, 2014 · ephedrine, & caffeine would be my recommendation for energy, weight loss, & appetite suppression. Unless you already smoke, or vape, it's probably best you avoid nicotine, but if you choose to, for the sake of harm reduction , I'd recommend vaping (I've been vaping for over 3 years now, smoked cigarettes for 14 years. *over a pack of Marlboros ...
Mephedrone purity concerns (How can we tell) - Drugs-Forum
Jun 14, 2009 · at very large doses of ephedrine (around 200mg) then a slight sort of uplifting feeling can be felt on the upper torso, also anouther interesting note, after around 4 hours after a final dose of mephedrone, ussualy whilst trying to sleep (unsucessfully) then the feeling is alot like ephedrine, its a sort of grotty stimulant.