Franz Klammer - Wikipedia
Franz Klammer (born 3 December 1953) is a former champion alpine ski racer from Austria. He dominated the downhill event for four consecutive World Cup seasons ( 1975 – 78 ). He was …
Franz Klammer 1976 Innsbruck - The Greatest Downhill Run of ... - YouTube
Finally!! Here it is !! The FULL unedited original legendary run of Franz Klammer at the 1976 Innsbruck Olymps! The greatest downhill run of ALL Time! And it...
Franz Klammer | Alpine Skiing, Olympic Gold, Downhill Champion …
Feb 9, 2025 · Franz Klammer (born Dec. 3, 1953, Mooswald, Austria) is an Austrian Alpine skier who specialized in the downhill event, winning 25 World Cup downhill races in his career. He …
Franz Klammer – Wikipedia
Franz Klammer ist ein ehemaliger österreichischer Skirennläufer. Er wurde 1976 Olympiasieger in der Abfahrt und ist mit 25 Abfahrtssiegen sowie dem fünfmaligen Gewinn des …
Franz Klammer - Wikipedia
Franz Klammer (Mooswald, 3 dicembre 1953) è un ex sciatore alpino austriaco. Soprannominato "Kaiser Franz", fu l'atleta più vittorioso nelle gare di discesa libera della seconda metà degli …
1976: One Carved Turn | SKI - SKI Magazine
Feb 13, 2014 · For nearly 40 years, Franz Klammer’s performance at the 1976 Innsbruck Games has stood as the defining episode of modern ski racing. But while the reckless daring of his …
Franz KLAMMER - Olympics.com
Visit Franz KLAMMER profile and read the full biography, watch videos and read all the latest news. Click here for more.
Franz Klammer - Wikiwand
Franz Klammer (born 3 December 1953) is a former champion alpine ski racer from Austria. He dominated the downhill event for four consecutive World Cup seasons (1975–78). He was the …
FIS | When Klammer became “Kaiser Franz” - FIS-Ski
It wasn't just the whole of Austria that expected Franz Klammer to win the gold medal in the downhill at the Innsbruck Olympics on 5 February 1976 - he was the favourite worldwide. …
Franz Klammer - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija
Franz Klammer, avstrijski alpski smučar, * 3. december 1953, Mooswald, Koroška, Avstrija. Klammer je dvakrat nastopil na olimpijskih igrah, v letih 1976 in 1984. Leta 1976 je osvojil …
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