Galloway cattle - Wikipedia
The Galloway is a Scottish breed of beef cattle, named after the Galloway region of Scotland, where it originated during the seventeenth century. It is usually black, is of average size, is naturally polled and has a thick coat suitable for the harsh climate of Scotland.
American Galloway Breeders Association | GALLOWAY BULL
The Galloway bull is the source of the amazing Galloway calving ease. Rarely must calves sired by a Galloway bull be pulled, in any crossbreeding environment. High calf survival rates are synonymous with the Galloway bull.
American Galloway Breeders Association | WELCOME
And we wondered how long cattle producers could tolerate heavily-muscled open heifers, and bulls that couldn't get the job done when the going got tough. That's why we breed Galloway.
Galloway - The Cattle Site
Sep 29, 2022 · Galloway, which has given its name to this breed of black or dun polled cattle, was an ancient regality or lordship lying in the south-west of Scotland. 'Galloway' is derived from the words Gallovid, or Gaul and the Gauls were the first to inhabit this part of Scotland.
American Galloway Breeders Association | GALLOWAY BEEF
Galloway cattle have low levels of wasteful internal fat - fat that surrounds the kidneys and heart and lines the pelvis. Galloway cattle produce beef that exceeds consumer expectations for leanness, taste and tenderness.
Get To Know Galloway & Belted Galloway Cattle Breeds
Nov 2, 2020 · Galloways are friendly, docile cattle. Even bulls are noted for their calm demeanor. Cows are milky, maternal and long-lived, with a well-deserved reputation for getting in calf every year. And, though Galloways are a quintessential hardy Northern breed, they adapt well to Southern climates, too.
Galloway Cattle: Origin, Characteristics, Uses, Photo - ROY'S FARM
Aug 26, 2024 · The Galloway cattle (also called Riggit Galloway cattle) are a very ancient breed of cattle originated from Scotland during the 17th century. It is one of the longest established meat cattle breed in the world.
Galloway Cattle – FarmerDB
Galloway cattle are domestic cattle known as a beef breed. They originated in the Galloway region of Scotland, which is how they got their name. In the United States, Galloway cattle are seen as a rare breed.
GALLOWAY CATTLE - kaysfarm.com
Galloway cattle originated centuries ago in the rugged hill country of the Galloway district of Scotland, where they graze today on the heath, alongside flocks of sheep. Galloway females are ideal brood stock for producers who are conscious of their bottom line.
Galloway Cattle: The Hardy and Docile Beef Breed
Nov 11, 2023 · Galloway cattle are a heritage beef breed known for their hardy nature, docile temperament, and tasty meat. Originating from the Galloway region of Scotland, they are one of the oldest breeds of cattle in the world. Galloway cattle are medium-sized, polled (naturally hornless), dual-purpose cattle.