How is gimbal angle calculated? - Space Exploration Stack Exchange
Jan 14, 2019 · When a rocket is knocked its intended flight course by wind, how is the gimbal angle calculated to return the rocket to its courses? Like, if the rocket intended course is 90 degrees straight off, ...
thrust - How are rockets gimballed to produce a gravity turn for …
Sep 23, 2017 · I have some notes that show the center SSME pitch gimbal started out at about 4.25 degrees at liftoff, ramped up slowly to slightly over 5 degrees at SRB sep, then moved sharply to a little over 1 degree at sep. During second stage, the gimbal moved up slowly and wound up around 4.25 degrees again at MECO.
nasa - Did Michael Collins ask for a fourth gimbal for Christmas? Is ...
This discussion also links to an ALSJ background page about Gimbal Angles, Gimbal Lock, and a Fourth Gimbal for Christmas where the above transcript excerpt reappears. A fourth gimbal for Apollo had been considered by MIT in 1963. The difficulties near gimbal lock can be avoided by the addition of a fourth gimbal to the IMU.
orbital mechanics - Calculations Apollo astronauts were trained to …
The roll CAL angle was minus 2 degrees. The Command Module angles were 355.57, 167.78, 351.87. [Pause.] [This stage in the LM activation process was dramatised in the Apollo 13 movie. Fred has the three gimbal angles from the CSM's IMU which is relevant to the CSM spacecraft coordinate system.
What is the highest gimbal range ever used on an engine?
This answer here mentions the STS-94's ability to gimbal up to 20 degrees in all directions, that got me thinking, what exactly is the maximum ever feasibly implemented? I've seen a lot of information on different forums mentioning numbers below 20 degrees.
apollo program - How are physical attitude indicators actuated?
The gyros in the Apollo CM and LM output analog signals that represented the gimbal angles of these gyros. These are the gimbals that were susceptible to "gimbal lock" . The analog signals of the gyros were displayed on some meters below the attitude indicator, and also fed into two automated systems:
thrust vectoring - SpaceX Engine Mounting / Gimbaling - Space ...
The quadrapod structure is attached rigidly to the rocket. At the bottom of the quadrapod there's a gimbal joint. The exact structure of this joint is hard to see in photos, but it looks like the joint sits on top of the thrust chamber. The Merlin 1D structure is more compact, but uses the same principle. Here's the lower half of a Merlin 1D:
Has a spacecraft ever used a four gimbal gyroscope? Did Michael …
Sep 27, 2018 · Now I’ve only made this gyroscope with two sets of gimbals, But a real system would need three; pitch, roll and yaw. But none-the-less gimbal lock still remains a problem, although it can be eliminated by some clever electronics, and a fourth gimbal set. Question: Has a spacecraft ever used a four gimbal gyroscope? Video cued at 02:10
How exactly was Apollo CSM attitude changed (from a current one …
Feb 1, 2020 · The inputs to the attitude maneuver computation are the three gimbal angles desired as the final orientation of the spacecraft with respect to the IMU stable member. In order to convert from spacecraft axes to control axes, all outer gimbal angles are modified by the 7. 25 degree reaction jet offset.The rotational rate to be used by the ...
Docking of CSM with LM - Space Exploration Stack Exchange
Jan 8, 2019 · No gimbal freedom now exists to "unwind" base motion about an axis normal to this plane. Even though any vehicle orientation with respect to the stable member can be accommodated by particular sets of the three gimbal angles the condition at gimbal lock prevents accommodation of a particular orientation change from the locked condition.