What does God look like? - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Many people, I suspect, think of God like you do—as a kindly old man with a beard. Or they may have some other picture of God in their minds, imagining Him like a stern policeman or an …
Billy Graham Explains to a Child: What Does God Look Like?
That man was Jesus Christ, who was both fully God and fully man. Do you want to know what God is like? Look at Jesus as He is revealed in the pages of the New Testament, because He …
What Does God Look Like? - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
But God hasn’t hidden Himself from us! Instead, God did something that is truly amazing: He came down from Heaven and became a man. That man was Jesus Christ. Do you want to …
What Does God Look Like? - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
That person was Jesus Christ, who was God in human flesh. I know that may be hard to understand—but it’s true! Jesus, the Bible says, “is the image of the invisible God” (Colossians …
What does God look like? - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
And we can’t see God for another reason: He doesn’t have a body like we do. God is a spirit, the Bible tells us, which means He can be everywhere at the same time. But the most important …
What Is God Really Like? - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
We can only know for sure what God is like if He reveals Himself to us. Otherwise we’re left to guess about God—and our guesses can lead us down all kinds of false paths. The Bible …
What Does God Look Like? - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
The reason is because some 2,000 years ago God stooped down from Heaven and became a man. That Man was Jesus Christ, who was God in human flesh. The Bible says, “No one has …
How Exactly Do I Walk With God? - Billy Graham Evangelistic …
Look at it this way. By nature we are cut off from God, because we have sinned and turned our backs on Him. But when we come to Christ and commit our lives to Him, God cleanses us of …
What does God look like? I know He's supposed to be a spirit and …
Remember: Heaven isn’t like Earth, only slightly more beautiful. Heaven is far more glorious than anything we can ever imagine, and in Heaven we will be living in a whole new dimension. The …
12 Ways to Humble Yourself - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Jul 14, 2009 · 1. Routinely confess your sin to God (Luke 18:9–14). All of us sin and fall short of the glory of God. However, too few of us have a routine practice of rigorous self-honesty …