Goole Academy - Wikipedia
Goole Academy is a mixed 11–18 secondary school in Goole, East Riding of Yorkshire, England. [1] [2] It is just off the A614 road in the east of Goole.
Goole Academy - Goole Academy
Our mission is to ‘Change Lives’ and give every child in our care the grounding both academically and experientially to thrive in life. Our relentless belief in students and staff is resulting in great achievements and is underpinned by a focus on collaboration through our …
Home Learning for Students - Goole Academy
In Year 7, 8 and 9 students (Keystage 3) should be reading for at least 15 minutes per day. Keystage 3 students should also be regularly revisiting their knowledge organisers. In all year groups, students will be set weekly homework on both Sparx Maths and Sparx Science.
Staff Archive - Goole Academy
Mr Boulton joined Goole’s Senior Leadership Team in January 2020. He began his career in 2003 and has gained a wide range of experience from his roles spanning Inclusion, Teaching […]
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Goole Academy - GOV.UK - Get Information about Schools
It will enable schools and the department to identify more quickly and accurately individuals who are involved in governance, and who govern in more than one context. The information requested...
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Flexible online training programs, designed to put you on the fast track to jobs in high-growth fields, now including practical AI training. No experience necessary. Connect with top employers who are currently hiring. Learn job-ready skills. Complete …
Goole Academy - Facebook
Goole Academy is a popular 11-16 mixed Comprehensive School located at the heart of the local community.
Goole Academy - The Schools Guide
Goole Academy is a non-selective academy. It has about 1,110 boys and girls aged between 11 and 16. In September 2022 the school was rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted. This school is a member of Delta Academies Trust.
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