Guile Hideout - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon …
Sep 29, 2024 · Guile Hideout (Japanese: ガイル・ハイダウト Guile Hideout), also referred to as the Armored Man (Japanese: 甲冑の男 Armored Man), is the main antagonist of the Emerald arc of the Pokémon Adventures manga.
Guile Hideout - Azurilland Wiki
Guile Hideout (ガイル・ハイダウト Guile Hideout) is the main villan in the Emerald arc. Guile Hideout first appeared in the Battle Factory, where Guile attacked Noland and stole all the Rental Pokémon. Guile Hideout appeared again in Artisan Cave, …
Artisan Cave - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon …
Mar 8, 2025 · Although Jirachi went into the Poké Ball, Guile Hideout used his Surskit 's Psybeam to prevent the ball from closing and then destroy it. He then broke free from the electrical cage and tried to attack everyone with his sword, but Emerald's Sceptile, …
Gold (Adventures) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven …
Feb 23, 2025 · During this arc, Gold, along with Crystal, traveled to the Battle Frontier in order to bring the petrified Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Silver out of their stone state by wishing upon the Mythical Pokémon Jirachi and stop the armored man known as Guile Hideout.
Thoughts on Guile Hideout, an incredibly memorable and …
Mar 23, 2019 · Guile Hideout is an interesting villain of Pokemon Adventures, this identity standing out so much that some fans sometimes separate the identities of Guile Hideout and Archie of Team Aqua when describing the villain of the Emerald Arc even after they reveal who is behind the mask.
So evil! : r/pokespe - Reddit
May 19, 2020 · That is Guile Hideout, the main antagonist of Pokemon Adventures Emerald and that is his most evil Pokemon ever, a Surskuit! So evil! Damn i started reading it before but …
For people who went into the series blind, was there really ... - Reddit
For people who went into the series blind, was there really any degree of ambiguity as to who the identities of Masked Man and Guild Hideout were? I unfortunately knew long before actually reading the content who the true identities of the two "mysterious" villains were.
Pokemon Adventures What If Scenarios : r/pokespe - Reddit
That plan is of course ruined when Guile Hideout uses one of the wishes to create the Sea Demon. After Guile is defeated, Ruby and Sapphire tell Scott that he deserves to get the last wish since he's the one who allowed everything to happen, and they'll just have to accept that they won't ever be able to bring back the fallen.
PS327 - Facing Gulpin Is Hard to Swallow - Bulbapedia
Guile praises Spenser's skills. As he lifts his armor's mask, Guile reveals that he became one with the Blue Orb and gained an immeasurable power. Much to everyone's shock, Guile Hideout reveals his true identity: the leader of Team Aqua, Archie. Major events. Anabel is revealed to be under Guile Hideout's mind control.
Guile Hideout - WikiDex, la enciclopedia Pokémon
Guile Hideout (ガイル・ハイダウト Guile Hideout en japonés) tiene aparición en la saga Esmeralda del manga Pocket Monsters Special como el antagonista principal de esta saga, tiene una armadura y espada que lo protegen y cubren su identidad.