Gulf CDC
The Gulf CDC holds its thirteenth meeting of the Supervisory Board to discuss achievements and goals 02/12/2024 00:00:00. Details. ←. 19. GCDC holds the third meeting of the technical committee in Riyadh to enhance regional cooperation in the field of public health ...
About Us - Gulf CDC
Mission Enhancing coordination, building knowledge, and generating evidence to empower prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases, alleviating public health emergencies, and strengthening healthy local communities throughout the Gulf. Dr. Al Jabri is the Director of Training and Capacity Building at the Gulf CDC.
Gulf Center for Prevention - GHC Landing
To foster harmonization, build knowledge, and generate evidence to enable the prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases, mitigation of public health emergencies, and promotion of healthy communities across the Gulf.
Home Page - GHC Landing
Gulf Logo The visual identity of the GCC Health Council; Gulf Health Magazine “Gulf Health” magazine aims to shed light on the council’s achievements and monitor news and activities of the ministries of health in member states, in addition to medical and pharmaceutical information and medical investigations. Gulf CDC; Join Us
Overview - GHC Landing
The Health Council of the Cooperation Council States is an active Gulf organization in the health field, as it was established in Safar 1396 AH corresponding to February 1976 AD. It is organizationally linked to the General Secretariat of the Arab States of …
Launching the Gulf Center for Disease Prevention and Control
With the aim of enhancing coordination, building knowledge and producing evidence to enable prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases, mitigate public health emergencies, and promote healthy communities throughout the GCC countries, this came during the eighth meeting of the Committee of Their Excellencies, Ministers of Health in ...
Gulf CDC
To foster harmonization, build knowledge, and generate evidence to enable the prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases, mitigation of public health emergencies, and promotion of healthy communities across the Gulf.
Ministries - GHC Landing
Gulf Logo The visual identity of the GCC Health Council; Gulf Health Magazine “Gulf Health” magazine aims to shed light on the council’s achievements and monitor news and activities of the ministries of health in member states, in addition to medical and pharmaceutical information and medical investigations. Gulf CDC; Join Us
Sponsors & Partners - ISA 2024 Oman
The Gulf Center for Disease Prevention and Control (Gulf CDC) is a regional public health center that aims at strengthening public health coordination, capacity building and evidence generation across the six member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).
Gulf CDC
إن مجلس الصحة لدول مجلس التعاون يمثل إحدى الكيانات الخليجية الناجحة للعمل الصحي المشترك